Access Unsecured Notes
Westlawn Access Unsecured Notes are an unsecured note investment which pays interest half yearly on the principal amount invested. Funds are available on an at call basis.
Access Unsecured Notes are only available to sophisticated investors with a valid Sophisticated Investors Certificate.
Minimum investment is $5,000.
Proceeds raised from notes issued will be used to fund the operations of the Company, in particular, funding of the Company’s lending portfolio.
Qualifying as a sophisticated investor
To be considered a sophisticated investor, you must (personally or in conjunction with a company or trust you control) have either:
- Aggregated net assets of over $2.5 million; or
- Aggregated gross income of $250,000 pa or more over the past 2 years.
(Your accountant will be required to confirm this by completing an Accountant’s Certificate included with the Access Unsecured Notes application.)
Due to APRA regulations, Westlawn Access Unsecured Notes are not available to retail investors and are only available to certain investors, such as those who qualify as a sophisticated investor. A prospectus or other disclosure documents are not required to be provided to investors who qualify as a sophisticated investor.
To apply for Westlawn Access Unsecured Notes, you must complete the Application Form and lodge a valid Sophisticated Investor certificate.
As a sophisticated or professional investor, Westlawn is not required to provide you with:
- FSG – explains our retail services and fees charged in a clear, concise and effective manner.
- Disclosure – a warning and disclosure of our conflicting interests whenever we provide advice, whether verbal or written.
- Statement of Advice – confirming or providing financial advice, which is clear, concise and effective.
- Dollar disclosure – fees and other benefits received if the client actions the personal advice as recommended.
- Consequences – information about the consequences of replacing one product with another.
- IDR – Access to an external complaints handling service.
Westlawn Finance Limited will not be held responsible for any loss resulting from the adverse performance of the financial product/s, any expenses or loss of benefits incurred through replacing an existing financial product/s, or the financial product/s proving not to be appropriate to the investor’s needs, objectives and financial situation.
For further information, contact Westlawn Finance on (02) 6642 0488.