High Yield Fund
The Westlawn High Yield Fund gives wholesale investors access to exposure to a high yielding pool of quality receivables (chattel mortgages) with an investment timeframe of 1 to 2 years.
Investment Objective to deliver a target return to investors of 6% plus one-month Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW)*
*Investment Objective not intended to be a forecast, it’s an indication of what the Fund aims to achieve over the medium to long term
Who is the High Yield Fund For
To invest in the Fund, you need to be a “wholesale client” as defined by the Corporations Act. Subject to this qualification, the Fund is available to all types of investors, including individuals, super funds and family trusts/companies, professional investors as well as family offices.

Discover the Westlawn High Yield Fund - Delivering strong returns with a simple investment strategy. No management or performance fees.
1300 937 852
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