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Invest with Westlawn

If you have funds to invest for a fixed term of 31 days or more, Westlawn Unsecured Notes offer competitive interest on your investments. You can choose fixed terms of between 31 days and 5 years. On maturity, you can choose to either receive your funds or reinvest for another term. You can start with as little as $1000.

Speak to an expert today

Call us today 1300 937 852

Or complete the form below to receive the Unsecured Notes information including the
Prospectus, Benchmark Information & Current Interest Rates.

Why consider investing with Westlawn?

Your money is invested in your local community

Competitive interest rates

Interest can be paid directly to your bank account

Option to compound quarterly interest

Option to reinvest at maturity

Westlawn’s Unsecured Notes are not bank deposits, therefore, the government guarantee on deposits of up to $250,000 does not apply. They are unsecured investments paying interest in arrears on the principal amount invested.

If you qualify as a sophisticated investor with net assets over $2.5 million or gross income of $250,000 pa or more over the past 2 years, click here for our Access Unsecured Notes for sophisticated investors.

Before deciding whether to invest, you should download and read the latest prospectus for Westlawn Unsecured Notes.

You can also download ASIC’s independent guide for investors reading a prospectus for unlisted debentures or unsecured notes, Investing in Debentures and Unsecured Notes?

Before investing, you may also consider seeking your own independent professional advice.

If you have any questions, or would like to learn more, call us today.



For Fixed Term investments, you can choose terms of between 31 days and 5 years. On maturity, you can choose to either receive your funds or reinvest for another term.

All bank term deposits and fixed term investments (including Westlawn Unsecured Notes) now require 31 days’ notice for early redemptions. You can find out more here.



For fixed term investments, the minimum investment is $1000.00

Interest payments



Compounding quarterly*

On maturity**

*Or by choosing compounding quarterly, your interest is compounded each quarter and reinvested until maturity.

**For 12 month terms only.

How to apply

Complete your application form (available in the prospectus) and accompanying cheque to address below or alternatively, you can drop your application and cheque at your local Westlawn branch.

Mail your application to:
Westlawn Finance Limited
PO Box 78

Or deliver to Head Office:
Westlawn Finance Limited
22 Queen Street

Download The Prospectus No. 25

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Applications can only be made on the form accompanying the current Prospectus Number 25 which was lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission on 6 December 2024.
This Prospectus is available by contacting Westlawn Finance on 1300 937 852; by calling directly to any of our offices listed; or it can be downloaded from this website.

The Directors of Westlawn Finance Limited have decided not to obtain a credit rating and as such, no independent assessment has been made regarding the risk of investing with Westlawn Finance Limited and the risk that investors may lose some or all of their investment.

Investments with Westlawn Finance Limited are not bank deposits and therefore the government guarantee on deposits of up to $250,000 does not apply.