One hundred and fifty big rigs from near and far rumbled into Casino on Saturday 5 August for the 2017 North Coast Petroleum Casino Truck Show. Westlawn Finance and Insurance was a major supporter of the event this year, co-sponsoring the Truck Parade through the CBD while the team from Westlawn Casino manned a stall along the route.
Setting up at 8am, the Casino team were kept busy throughout the day as spectators dropped by to cast their votes for the People’s Choice Award and go into the draw to win an iPad. Congratulations to Kyle Mathieson who was our lucky winner.

Set up next to Westlawn, leading truck insurer NTI was giving away promotional items and selling tickets in their major raffle of a restored 1946 International Model K5 Rigid truck.
The raffle is raising much needed funds for the Motor Neurone Disease & Me Foundation.
The prize will be drawn once the restoration is complete.
You can find out more at
Westlawn sponsors truck parade
This year, Westlawn Finance and Insurance, along with NTI, were naming sponsors of the inaugural NTI/Westlawn Finance Casino Truck Parade along Johnston and Centre Streets in the CBD. Starting at 10am, the parade of 150 polished big rigs lasted around 40 minutes.

Westlawn led the parade in a borrowed FJ Holden ute driven by Fiona Pratt with Westlawn Wally hanging out the window waving to the crowds lining the streets.
Following the parade, Westlawn Wally and Fiona walked around handing out lollies to the kids and sample bags to the grownups.
With all the kids wanting their photo taken with Wally, it took 2 hours to walk just 100 metres! Speaking about the sponsorship, Westlawn Finance CEO Geoff Scofield said:
“NTI and Westlawn Finance are very happy to be the naming sponsor of the Casino Truck Parade which has become a spectacular attraction that our community looks forward to every year.
“We are proud to be involved in this year’s Casino Truck Show that acknowledges the hard working people in the transport industry and gives the drivers the chance to show off their pride and joy.
“It also allows the public the opportunity to check out all the blinged-up trucks.”
President of the Casino Truck Show, Stuart George, acknowledged the valuable support of Westlawn and NTI.
“The generous contributions of our event sponsors are essential to the continued viability of our much loved Truck Show and the Parade.
“We are very grateful and proud to confirm our association with them in this year’s NTI/Westlawn Finance Casino Truck Parade.”
Some of Westlawn’s customers who also attended the event included MJ Smith Ground Preparation, Ribana, Forest Enterprises Development & Consulting, Gava Freight Company, Cromack Transport and Mark Bloomer Transport.
For highlights and a full list of winners, visit
30 August 2017
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